Monday, 07 June 2021 09:32

Curriculum and Teaching Division_Section Introduction課程及教學組介紹

The main responsibilities of the section can be classified in seven categories: curriculum, course selection, teaching, course make-up, exams, double early-warming system and teaching evaluation.  A brief explanation of each is as follows:
1. Curriculum
(1) The curriculum of the university is arranged based on students’ characteristics and aims to continue the education of vocational schools and colleges, thus achieving the unity feature that represents the vocational education.  It is especially designed to strengthen practical as well as experimental courses and also to promote the courses of special projects and project design.  Catering to the needs of the industrial circles, such an elaborately designed curriculum also aims to undertake integrated research projects.

(2) The courses of the university are divided in three main categories: obligatory courses, major-specific required courses and optional courses, which are designed by the curriculum committee based upon Education Act, education goals, needs of industries and characteristics of the university.  The obligatory courses are required for all the students.  Major-specific required courses occupy 40%-60% in the required credits for graduation for four-year program students and 20%-50% for two-year program students.  Optional courses are designed based upon the course flowchart and graduation requirements of each department.  Students can decide by themselves to take them or not.

(3)  The minimum credits for graduation in each department are: 128 for four-year program students and 72 for two-year program students.
2. Course Selection
(1) Freshmen are suggested to undertake a preliminary course selection during the registration period. Course add/drop takes place two weeks after the semester begins.

(2) Current students are suggested to choose courses for the following semester before the end of each semester and undertake add/drop procedure two weeks after a new semester begins.

(3) General knowledge courses and physical courses for junior and senior students are chosen based upon the interests of students. For the four-year students who registered beginning from academic year 2004, only one of the general knowledge courses is admitted as part of the required credits for graduation. Students may want to take more than one course but the excess of credits will not be included in the graduation credits.

(4) Beginning from academic year 2005, the excess of the required credits for general knowledge courses (8 for four-year program students and 2 for two-year program students) can be included in the minimum of credits required but not count as graduation credits.

(5) The required credit hours for undergraduate students per semester: 16-25 credits for freshmen, 16-25 credits for sophomores and juniors and 9-25 credits for senior students. The courses and credits required for graduate students are decided by each department. However, credits per semester in the first academic year should not be less than 4 and more than 18.
3. Teaching
(1) Teachers are required to draw up a teaching plan which is supposed to include teaching materials, course outline, requirements, tests, evaluation as well as office hours and distribute it to students on the first day of class.

(2) Teachers are suggested to apply each kind of teaching methods and techniques to bring out both teaching and learning improvement.

(3) Teaching conferences are held periodically to help teachers improve teaching skills and methods.
4. Course Make-up
(1) Teachers who ask for an official or personal leave are required to fill out an application for course change and make up the course some other day.

(2) Courses can not be arbitrarily changed after being arranged. If a change is necessary in special situations, it needs to be approved by a department meeting and ratified with a specific petition by the Office of Academic Affairs one week before a new semester begins. A change application which is not undertaken within the accepted period needs to be submitted along with the above requirements and also a letter of consent signed by all the students in class.
5. Exams
(1) The exams are mainly divided into quizzes, mid-term and final tests. Except quizzes, mid-term and final tests are required to take place within a stipulated period. The way and time to carry out the tests are decided by course teachers.

(2) Students who can not take tests for incidents are suggested to apply for a leave before the tests are held. An application for test leave should be submitted with supporting documents ( for a medical leave, a certificate of diagnosis issued by a public or regional hospital is required; for a compassionate leave, a letter of parents is needed; for official leave, a certificate issued by a relevant department of the university is necessary). A personal leave can not be applied for during the test period.

(3) Students who apply for an official and compassionate leaves during the final test period are allowed to take a make-up test. The grade they acquire in the test will be totally counted as the grade of the course. For students who apply for a personal leave, the grade they have in a make-up is counted by 80% of the real grade (which is above 60) they acquired.

(4) Should a student is absent in the final test, the course that he/she misses will be counted 0 as the final grade. Such a regulation is also applicable to the absence in quizzes and mid-term exam.

(5) Degree exam usually takes place in a way of oral test. When necessary, each department is allowed to set up other ways to undertake a comprehensive exam which needs to be held after the mid-term in each semester and before the end of the semester.
6. Double Early-warning System
(1) At the beginning of each semester, the Curriculum and Teaching Division collects a list of students who do not have a good academic performance in the previous semester and forwards the list to each department for a further understanding and consultation.

(2) Within two weeks after the mid-term, each course teacher is suggested to submit a list of students who fail in the test to the Curriculum and Teaching Division, which will notify parents, class mentors and department chairman of the imperfect performance of students.
7. Teaching Evaluation
Serving as a medium to acquire students’ opinion about the teaching in each course, a teaching evaluation usually takes place after the mid-term and before the final test. The evaluation, along with a statistics made by the Office of Academic Affairs, serves as a communication between students and teachers and also as a reference for teachers to have a teaching improvement.

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