Monday, 07 June 2021 09:25

Registration Division_Section Introduction註冊組介紹

Registration Division is mainly responsible for the affairs of enrollment, suspension of schooling, drop-out, award for outstanding school performance, registration, application for Chinese/English transcript and certificate of school attendance, transfer, minor study, double major study, credit waiver, award for off-campus outstanding performance, dual-degree system and graduation.  In the following, a brief introduction of each can be found:


1. Enrollment

a. Undergraduate: A public and selective (through exams) recruitment is held at the beginning of each academic year.

b. Graduate:Each department (graduate institute) conducts a recruitment exam and gives admission to those who pass the exam and are qualified for the master’s or doctoral programs.


2. Degree Requirements

(1)     The undergraduate students are categorized into two academic systems, four-year and two-year systems. The former requires at least 136 credit hours completed in a maximum of four years while the latter requires at least 72 credit hours with a maximum of two years before the diploma is conferred.

(2)     Undergraduate in-service students are required to take 6-18 credit hours per semester and have a maximum of three years of studying period.  Graduate students have the limit study period of one to four years with at least 24 credit hours completed (excluding 6 credit hours of dissertation) and will be conferred with a master’s degree after passing the dissertation defense.

(3)     Graduate in-service students have one to four years for all the credits required.  For specific needs, one-year extension is allowed in order to meet the degree requirements. The required courses and credit hours per semester depend on the policy of each department.   However, the credit hours taken per semester in the first academic year are not allowed to be less than 6 and more than 18.

(4)     Doctoral students have two to seven years to meet the degree requirements. Each student is required to take at least 18 credit hours (excluding 6 credit hours of dissertation) and will be conferred with a doctoral degree after passing the dissertation defense.


3. Suspension of Schooling

Students are allowed to apply for a suspension for one semester, one academic year or two academic years. The check-out procedure is supposed to be done in seven days since the suspension application and the application beyond the deadline will be considered invalid.Students are suggested to undertake the reentry procedure one week before the termination of the suspension.


4. Drop-out

Both forcible and volunteer drop-outs are supposed to get an application form in the Registration Division and complete the procedure in seven days.


5. Award for Outstanding School Performance

Within one month after the first day of each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs proposes a list of students who are qualified and meet the award standards and forwards the list to the Student Affairs Section for a review. The list will be announced along with the ratification of the president.


6. Registration

Students are suggested to carry out the registration personally on the stipulated day. In case of being unable to register personally due to serious illness or special incidents, they are advised to submit petitions to the Registration Division. If the petitions are accepted, the student can postpone the registration for up to two weeks. If petitions are not submitted or no registration is recorded after two weeks of allowance, the new student will lose the admission qualification. In addition, the current students who do not complete the suspension procedure will be officially expulsed from the university.


7. Chinese/English Transcript and Certificate of School Attendance Application

(1)Chinese transcript and certificate of school attendance can be applied directly via the automatic coin apparatus equipped beside the door of the Registration Division.

(2)In respect of English transcript and school attendance, a request form should be completed and submitted.


8. Transfer

(1)Students who find the originally enrolled department does not fit their own interests are suggested to apply for a transfer before the second academic year begins. However, for specific cases, students who are considered necessary to have a transfer by both departments and the Counseling Center are required to carry out the transfer procedure before the second semester. Such a transfer application can be undertaken only once.
(2)Students who are enrolled by any kind of recruitment channels except admission by registration and placement and apply for a transfer need to submit an application which is required to be approved by an academic affairs meeting.
(3)In-service students who want to transfer to be a daytime student are supposed to pass a transfer examination.

The transfer application is proceeded in the April of each year. A transfer examination committee then goes through the application and makes an announcement when it’s ratified.


9. Minor Study/ Double Major Study

In order to expand students’ learning field, satisfy students’ needs to develop the second professional specialty and increase the job opportunity after graduation, students can apply for a minor or double major studies:

(1) Minor study: Students of four-year program can choose the courses provided by another department with the same academic system as the minor beginning from the second academic year; two-year program students can take the courses of another department as their minor beginning form the second academic year. The minor study application should be completed within the first week of each semester.

(2) Double major study: Students of four-year program with outstanding academic performance in the first academic year and students of two-year program with outstanding academic performance in the first semester can apply beginning from the second academic year and the second semester respectively to take courses provided by another department with the same academic system for the double major study.The double major application should be completed within the first week of the first semester in each academic year.

10. Credit Waiver

The application for credit waiver should be submitted within the first week of each semester. Each student is limited to apply only once.Credit waiver is not applicable to the courses that are taken by students after the enrollment, nor to the professional courses that have been taken for more than 10 years.


11. Scholarship Application for Undergraduate Entrance with Outstanding School Performance

Scholarship Application for Undergraduate Entrance with Outstanding School Performance is established for the purpose of encouraging domestic and international students to enroll at YunTech to advance stu 
dent quality.


12. Award for After-school Outstanding Performance

Current students (including students who are studying at the university when the application is submitted) who participate in national or international contests and gain awards can apply for the outstanding award not later than the end of May in each year.


13. Dual-degree System

The university establishes a cooperative relationship with international universities to conduct student exchange and dual-degree system. The list of recommended students and application materials should be sent to the Office of Academic Affairs of the university before April in each year. All the materials will then be forwarded to each department for a review.


14. Graduation

(1) Students who complete required credit hours and have a passing grade of conduct performance in each semester will be conferred with a bachelor’s degree.
(2) Students who meet the following requirements are allowed to graduate one academic year or one semester earlier after the approval of the Ministry of Education:

(3) All the required courses and credit hours are completed with the average grade of 80 or above per semester.
(4) The grade of conduct performance per semester reaches 80 or above.
(5) The academic performance per semester is ranked within 5% of the class.

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